In August 2022, University of Phoenix hosted a popular Educational Equity webinars titled “Voices and Perspectives of a Multigenerational Workforce.” This webinar, the second in a series that explores how to embrace and thrive in a multigenerational team, encouraged discussion about how colleagues can work together to overcome generational differences and use their different skills to complement each other.
In a world where five generations (traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z) often work together professionally, such discussions are essential.
This webinar followed the “Building Bridges Among Generational Differences in the Workplace” webinar, which took place in July 2022. The Talent Acquisition and Leadership Director of the Modern Millennial Careers & Consulting LaTasha Williams led this webinar, which helped virtual attendees debunk myths about generations, understand what a generation is, and reshape their perspectives on generational differences.
This way, online participants could learn how to better teach, train, coach and develop colleagues in a multigenerational workplace.
Voices and Perspectives of a Multigenerational Workforce
Tondra Richardson, MBA, and Saray Lopez, MBA, the directors of Student Diversity and Inclusion at University of Phoenix’s Office of Educational Equity, hosted the webinar. After a short introduction from Lopez, Richardson explained how to prepare for respectful conversations in the workplace and introduced a panel of specialists, who then launched into their insightful discussion.
These accomplished experts gave key insights into the multigenerational workplace to illuminate the situations that workers of all demographics may experience. They discussed:
- Challenges and generational differences that modern employers and employees may need to manage
- What younger generations may look for when evaluating a company’s culture
- How to manage expectations, motivation, communication, feedback, performance and accountability in a modern, diverse working environment
- How to tackle unconscious bias, particularly bias involving generational differences
- How younger and older generations can relate to one another so that everyone can be successful
- Social norms in the workplace and how employers and employees can negotiate these norms
- What human resources departments can do to make work environments more supportive for individuals of all ages
- The connection between unconscious bias and microaggressions
- Safe icebreakers that can help teams get to know each other without inadvertently offending each other
- How individuals can converse easily with workers who are much older or younger than them
Webinar Panelists From an Array of Industries
The latest webinar on generational differences brought together leaders from an array of industries:
- Mallary Tytel, Ph.D., MBA, Healthy Workplaces’ president and founder
- Erica Scott, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, MAPS’ Public Benefit Corporation’s director of people and culture
- John Ramirez, MBA, University of Phoenix’s College of Doctoral Studies’ dean of operations
- Caleb Robinson, SKDK’s public affairs intern and one of Howard University’s recent Legal Communications and Political Science graduates.
In light of the webinar, panelist Robinson reflected on the fact that the political injustices he saw publicized as a child affected his perceptions of the world and the kinds of organizations he’d like to work for. “I remember sitting at the dinner table and hearing my parents talk about what they were experiencing in the workplace,” he said. “It was not OK then; it is not OK now, and I had to ask myself: How do I make changes to this in the future?”
Panelist Tytel also moderated the webinar. Tytel specializes in helping businesses start up, turn around and manage acquisitions. Her expertise in human systems dynamics, culture change, complexity science and strategy and leadership development made her well-positioned to offer this support. Over the past two decades, Tytel has worked with business, education, government and community organizations, developing her expertise in a variety of sectors. She has dedicated her latest efforts to helping female leaders at all professional levels develop diverse, inclusive, equitable communities.
About the Office of Educational Equity Webinars
University of Phoenix’s Office of Educational Equity threads diversity, acceptance and inclusion throughout its offerings, which include creating the Educational Equity webinars.
These webinars:
- Raise cultural awareness
- Help participants gain the skills they need to build effective relationships
- Prepare students to become great citizens of their wider communities
- Foster learning environments in which participants can decide what actions they will take to contribute to societal transformation
The webinar series is essential to University of Phoenix’s offerings: The University serves working adults across all industries, in which 56 percent of the University’s students identify as members of historically underrepresented communities.
Through its webinars, University of Phoenix provides a space for participants to engage in thought-provoking conversations about working life that can promote inclusive leadership in modern, culturally complex society.
The Office of Educational Equity created the webinar series on generational differences in the workplace to support educators, higher education leaders and administrators, DEI practitioners, employers, government affiliates and not-for-profit organizations, not to mention the University’s students, alumni and staff from all over the world.
Learn more about University of Phoenix’s Office of Educational Equity.
About University of Phoenix
University of Phoenix supports adult and nontraditional learners by helping these individuals pursue their educational goals and navigate the degree programs and career paths that best suit their interests. The University’s degree programs can lead to many in-demand career paths including in cybersecurity, nursing and business. Meanwhile, their flexible start dates, online classes and numerous scholarship opportunities allow anyone to earn the degree they need. On top of this, University of Phoenix’s Career Services for Life® commitment supports active students and graduates by providing them with the resources needed to be prepared when entering the workforce for no additional charge. These services include resume and interview support, career guidance, and education and networking opportunities. Visit to learn more.